Thursday, October 6, 2011

Worked out again today:) Same as yesterday:) Getting easier, so I guess I need to up it:) Had a busy day...kinda stressful for me, my dryer stopped putting out heat so got to get that fixed tomorrow, had to go to the laundry mat, now there is a way to make money, and to rip people off...35cents for 5 min...and it doesn't get your clothes frustrating:(  oh well....hopeful tomorrow my dryer will be fixed:)  Going to go now, and relax a minute before bed, then back up again at 5:30 with Lenny:)   Good night:)
Worked out again yesterday, the same as the day before, except I was kinda sore, and it was a little harder:) thats a good thing right. Except I walked on the treadmill 3.5 yesterday....felt good at first, then got a little to run to Notre Dame yesterday morn. to take Lenny some weights for his machine, that place is huge...but I don't care if I ever go back, maybe I have a bad attitude but there were to many people, everywhere and it just looked crowded...well duh, its a college...:) Until next time....

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My first workout at the gym today:) Kinda excited:) But I might have over did it a little...we will see:) 4 and a half miles on the treadmill and 50 presses with 45lb. weight...50 curls with 25lbs. on there....this is going to be my log lol.... feel pretty good so far...but its only been a couple of hours, hope I don't get to sore. It was kinda intimidating 4 men were in there working out when I went in, I just ignored them and went on, there were to many mirrors around though, nasty....I don't have full length mirrors in my house for a reason:)They lie:) Going to finish supper now...until later:)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hello, yep, I'm still posting, its been awhile...but we are all moved in:) Finally:) I miss my family and friends in Indiana but very happy to be with my husband every night....the house is coming together nicely...and we had our second visitors last night..Lenny's sister and bro in law have a boat in St. Joe and its only an hour away. It was so nice to see them:) had a good time and good food:) Better go for now... I'll sign in again soon and post some more...right now I'm at the coffee shop..enjoy a really good

Thursday, June 16, 2011